Volume 10 xxi
Karen D. Thompson:Thompson has done
graduate work at the University of North Carolina,
Greensboro, and has taught English at Asheboro
High School (NC), Manor High School, Dripping
Springs High School, and Dripping Springs Mid-
dle School (TX). Original essays onAlabama Cen-
tennialand A Farewell to English.
Bill Wiles: Wiles teaches and writes in
the shadow of Vermont’s Green Mountains. En-
try on The Cremation of Sam McGee. Original
essays on The Cremation of Sam McGeeand Out,
Paul Witcover:Witcover is a novelist and ed-
itor in New York City with an M.A. in Creative
Writing and Literature from the City University of
New York. Entry on How We Heard the Name.
Original essays on Alabama Centennialand How
We Heard the Name.