The Week Junior - UK (2022-03-05)

(Maropa) #1

5 March 2022 • The Week Junior 19


The spirit of adventure

Getting out of your comfort zone can make you feel happy and confident.

In January, 19-year-old pilot
Zara Rutherford became
the youngest woman to fly
solo around the world. She
crossed five continents and 52
countries on her five-month
journey. “It’s a dream I’ve had
my entire life, to fly in a plane
around the world,” she said.
“It was just a crazy idea and
I always thought it would
be impossible.”

“It was just a crazy idea”

National Geographic’s tips
for outdoor adventures

Wear the
right clothing
Lots of layers in
cold weather and
waterproofs in the rain.

Know when to stop
Accepting things you
can’t control, such as
the weather, can be the
most challenging part
of an adventure.

Travel safely
Watch out for
dangers like busy
roads and always tell
a trusted adult where
you’re going.

Fuel up
Eat healthily and
carry plenty of water,
plus snacks.
Leave no trace
Respect your
surroundings and take
all your rubbish away
with you.


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ow does it feel when you try something new? Whether
you love the buzz of a new experience or are just curious
to try something different, being adventurous can help you
feel brave and learn what you’re capable of.

What does being adventurous mean?
Being adventurous means exploring and
discovering new things. It’s challenging
yourself to have a go at something,
even when you’re not sure what the
outcome will be. You don’t have to
climb a big mountain or trek through
jungles to have an adventure; they
can be all around you. Exploring
your neighbourhood and discovering
new places is an adventure; or
tasting a different type of food can be
adventurous if you’ve never tried it before.
The Week Junior reader Ronnie, aged 13, says,
“When I go on walks I like to look for trees to climb
or things to play around because I find it exciting and it
makes me happy.”
Why is being adventurous good for you?
Belinda Kirk is an adventurer and author of the book

Adventure Revolution. She has crossed a desert in China in
search of camels and discovered ancient rock paintings in
southern Africa. Kirk says that being adventurous can make
you feel free, more confident and help you understand
yourself better. “When you’re halfway up a
mountain you get this natural high and a feeling
of extreme empowerment,” says Kirk. “You
become more brave and confident, and
you think, ‘What else can I do?’”
Exploring outdoors can also mean
getting active and spending time in
nature. Both are great for boosting
happiness and reducing stress.

How can you be more
Kirk says adventures can be found
everywhere, including camping in the
garden, climbing a tree, or even just wrapping up
warm and going for a walk in the cold. Trying new hobbies
or cooking new recipes are also great ways to be more
adventurous. “When you push yourself out of your comfort
zone, that’s when you learn who you are and what you can
do. It’s where the magic happens,” says Kirk.

Trying different things helps you
to learn new skills and hobbies.

Ronnie enjoys
climbing trees.





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