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(Rick Simeone) #1

2. Poetry of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai

Shah Abdul Latif of Bhit was the poet of all classes of people. He denounced

extravagance, injustice and exploitation of all forms and at all levels, and praised

simplicity and hospitality.

It is said that he never wrote his poems but they would come out automatically

through his ascetic and saintly intuition, which were collected and recorded by his

desciples. No verses of any poet in the world are so much remembered and recited by

people of all walks of life as those of Shah Latif.

Shah Jo Risalo: The Message of Love

The recorded comprehensive collection of verses known as “Ganj” is preserved at

the mausoleum of the poet at Bhitshah, near Hala, Sindh. The full volume of the poetry of

Shah Bhittai has been compiled in a book form called “Shah Jo Risalo”, which means

"Message of Shah".

Shah Bhittai’s poetry is originally meant to be sung. hence “Shah Jo Risalo” is

comprised of 30 Surs i.e. musical tones consisting of 195 chapters with total 3038

verses. In Shah’s poetry every chapter is composed on a mode of singing called“Sur”.

The Surs are named, accordingly, to their metres and music and also according to

the subject matter. Methodically, a sur is sung according to the theory and practice of

Classical music, sung at different times of the day and night and on different occasions.

The underlying theme of all surs, however, is to find out ways to cultivate those godly

attributes in one self, which will assist a person in his or her endeavours towards a higher

evolution. Hence, Bhittai's poetry reflects the process by which man's inner life is


The perusal of his poetry takes one to a wonderful journey, where the parables,

the incidents, the legends, the episodes, are not related as mere stories. It is only their

significance that is expressed in the poems, which deal with the higher evolution of

human soul. These folk stories and episodes quoted by him are but the pegs on which

Bhittai hangs his Divine themes.

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