Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
i. Allah (God) - The Creator & His Manifestations

ڌڻò، ðº çåئÙ ، ٰòæÙا ،çôæÙ اu اول

،çóÂâ آه âئئç ،êôÇ Ââرت ò»ìïìj âئدر

ِوا½ــ واòå،

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، ½Âه


ر رازق،


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،çô˜½ ـÂé½ـ َ mئò ڌڻò، ðnÇ Çئراíî ðÇ

.òº ïºئن ðºڙ ðºڙون ،çóė jئڻ —Äي

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

The very first is Allah, He is omniscient

Supreme and Lord of the universe

By His divine might He exists since infinity

He is the Lord, one and only, fosterer

Merciful and compassionate

Praise Him- The real Lord by reciting

the admiring verses for Him

It is He, the compassionate who planned

and perfected the universe.

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واî ðÇ وÄóي، ðÇ ،


. ـÄو

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

He is this, He is that

He is the destroyer, He is the creator

He is the Beloved, He is the breath

He is the enemy, He is the saviour as well.
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