Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
è¾بðب، jئڻêôï ،òp jئڻ òÈj jئڻêôï

.ðº ê ́ Óئåا jئڻêôï ،بðÀ òãæÀ jئڻêôï

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

He is the lover of Himself

He himself is the Beloved

He himself creates perfectly

He himself longs for them.

ـðر،ــــــــــëـ òـــــئ ðÈروـــــــــــë êôــــاڳï ôئــــــــ— òـــــآs

ر، ðÇ òïëð— ênÇ ن óــ¾ـðëÅ ـçîـ و÷ çïôæــÙ ðÀف ÷

.ðـــــــº ن ا ۾ ازل rـــــاë ــéÚــðرـــــè ðôـــــ— òــåðـــــè

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

Even before the origin of the universe

Allah created them as an embodiment of light

Those truthful have

“no fear to them and no regrets to them”

Allah made good fortune for them

from the begining.

، ½ــــــــــــــá ˜ـــــ’ائـــــòîـــــــôــــ اي ،ـí åـــ ÷ÊــــــóÄــــــ– و½ــــــÂه

.ôئـــــــــــــورÇ òـــــــــــــÇ وڌو، êـــــــــــــº ،oـــــــــــــ} òـــــــــــــp }ôئئò

( 1 μئنــــــــــــداÇ ôæئڻ،ـــــــــــــ— ÄـــــــــــــÇ)

“Allah is unique and without a partner”

This is the testimony of His oneness

Those who adhere to duality are the losers.

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