Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
و،†ئن؟ òƒ êïëا‘ô— ؟ðôƒ ـíï —ـ ‰ئڻئن؟ ـíï —ـ

€‡ئن، Ç ðóڙðè آڱðóÄن، ن، ðóاė ،‚î

!و†ئئðô ðîت îئريھ ن ðè ïs‡ئن، Äïs êô}

( 12 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

I don't know, what happened? Where am I going?

The hands, wrists and fingers I would clinch

to wreck them all

The celebration is on in other houses

whereas I have lost the Beloved.

وڻêô، íï»ìè وا—ð Ǒڙا، ـ{òھ jـ Ǒن

!Çڻò —ðכ —ôîðئرو èئن ،òڻïs ìj NJڳ

( 10 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

Calls after the calls, echo among the trees

It is a long way to the Beloved

may be he hears them all.

،ارðì ́ ́ ئت —ئ íë —ئ، تð ́ íë ́ ئت —ئ íë

.!ðó‘å وnóئريھ åـ،ـê§ jـnئر، Äjت òïëئ—

( 10 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

Neither any talk nor any discourse is there

nor even any casual reference to love

No one talks of love any more

may be the poor love has moved out.

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