Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
،ئô} Äôj ،òڻμóÄj ڳê، ðåئë م، êïìôë

.و́ Äو وîئئ¹ وره Œـ،ـê، م، Çئڻ ðÇرن

( 12 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

Take not the name of love

there are different ways of love

Dissociate not yourself from sorrows

bargain for more of pains.

،êôÇ òئڻ ́ðî ìôîئ’و }ìاڻ، êïì— }و

.ëبÄي íë ،ÆëئóÄôبë —ئڻ، Æôj ºئ —ئ

( 12 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

My heart has been fastened to the Beloved

It has become so entwined

that it gets not untwined willingly.

، ́ ôئر ́ ئت آòî í ́ íë ºئ، ́ ئت Óئåا êïìô—

.وóئ pڻò ôp’ائð ، ڏ—ئر ðôj ڏورóئن

( 10 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)

No seekers of love (divine) are there

otherwise love is always there

I search so but there seems a famine

the true seekers have taken it away.

وٽ، êôì ́ بí ́ ئت ºئ، ́ ئت Óئåا ò˜ôº

êôïå êôائÄïs í ́ ،


. رðïs ،vî òïëئ— êî‘î

( 10 داμÇئن ،òìôȽ ÄÇ)
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