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(Rick Simeone) #1

externally dealing with dust,

Having chosen a cave (in solitude)

they have shun falsehood, vice and evil

They go not near to bad, they do a lot of good

More they love, the more they become pure

more they are inflamed, the more they are happy.

jئر، êôÇ êôïì ́ Äjت ،نðïèئÇ ìïÇ ìï— ðº

،ارðì ́ م، نð ́ êôÇ êïì ́ ،ð»ìïìº òïبë íë êïìôë

ëبÄي ðåاÄë §òƒ Çئر،


. و واٽ، م، ‘î

( 9 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ) Pledge your love with Him

who is present at good and bad places

Do not carry on with such a being

with whom it does not last to end

Never deviate from the path of love

fulfill it as a unique one.

آ—ئس، €Äي Äëð€ ۾، jئ́ ئر ون jئڙ Äëð—

راس، آÂëي رازق ڳئïå’ي، يÂìÇ êôïì}

.ئó’ôè òμب¾è êïìº Êئبئس، òp áËÙ êïì ́

( 1 داμÇئن —ئراäó، ÄÇ)

The lotus plant’s roots are deep in water

the bumble bee flies in the air

The Providence satisfies the desire of both

Their love deserves credit

which brings both of the lovers together.

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