Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
}ــــــــــــðڙا، íë ـ¦ُ،}ــíåـــــــــــــــ ÷ÊــــــــــــóĖ و½Âه

ـــــــÇــ íë êôì— ð ́ —ــò

ðïsڙا، اÂëر vïs òº ئئ،

.ـïئنÇئèـُ ¦Âìôƒ ÂîئÊ ³º ڳðڙîئ، êóÂìڳئڙó

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

Listen O’ Deaf!

“He is unique and without a partner”

Did your ears hear not

the spiritual consciousness inside you?

You shall shed tears

on the Day of Judgment

when witnesses shall confront you.

ويھ، وîئئ¹ اي§ ،ـíåـ –óÄÊ÷ و½Âه

،ھòî ð»ìïì ́ ìî îئرائêô، òº êôxp

.ðº ³ìº ºئم €Äي ،§òj ¦Âëðm jئڻئن

( 1 اμÇئند —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

You must choose the bargain

that “Allah is unique and without a partner”

Whether you gain or lose

your only dwell is this world

He will himself offer you to drink

a full divinely cup from Heaven

ºئن jئڻôïــــــــê ،ـíåøºـــ äº jئڻôïــــــــê



—éئل، ـêÈ ½ـ jئڻêôï ،òº ھêóÄj ðÍرت jئڻêôï

ôÀئل، jئڻ jئڻôïـــــــــê ،òئƒ èــÂóÄ Äôj jئڻôïــــــê
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