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(Rick Simeone) #1
xi, Arrow of the Beloved

،اóÄâ ðÇ òzð— ،òïå ė ðÇ òï—

½بôا، زèئن Äî ،ðôqÇ Ùئدت اîئ

.òº وح ر را½³ ئò ðÇ Óبôا، ÄÇ ò ́

( 3 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

He who kills you, looks after you

and also summons you nearer

Beloved has adopted this trait

at all times like a surgeon

who cuts to give health to your heart

،نðôp’ڳ —ڻÆ êóڙð— oå در ،ÄÎâ اoó

.Çئðïèن Íئ½ا êïëا‘ô ́ ،کÄj —óÄئن êïëا‘ôº

( 1 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

The universe is like a palace

with a million doors and a billion windows

Where ever I look I find my Beloved before me.

،ðڻμóÄj ¦ðj ¹j ،¦ئj ò ́ئ— êóÄïj

و،‰ئ¦، ºئê وا‰v ۾، ڏäó ðº óÄjئن ڏک

ðº êïìôë


. ڳô’ه ðåئë òº jـnئ¦، èئه êÁôÇ

( 2 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

First sever your head with the knife

then imagine of love

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