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(Rick Simeone) #1
وÍئل، òº êŠóو ،نðè îئڻ وڻò íë ‘î

.ðôƒ îئدي ئò ½بôا ½ئل، ò»ìïìè êî

( 3 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

I do not like to be with physicians,

The Beloved is the only remedy

of my present condition.

،òp اÇبئب òº áËÙ ن، ـôئئð jـ ۾ Äj

ڏôÇئئðن، ڏاڍو ،ðº درد êî ن دارو

ا́ ئئðن، óئê


ا ،ðº واÄÎÚå آÄÀ

.òp øÇم òƒ ǘئن آئðن، ¦ðj ́ ïئن

( 3 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

In confidence they inquired

about the causes and effects of love

Prescribing hard remedy for this pain

eventually, I was advised patience in the matter

Thereafter, I am yearning for a salutation.

،مø— ëئه —’و ،ðڻïs ð{è è{ئóئن

.ðº jئر يÂìÇ óÄjئن ،مøÇ ئò تð˜Ç

( 3 داμÇئن ôئڻ،æ— ÄÇ)

The Beloved's talk is sweeter

than the sweets, nothing is bitter

Even silence is like a salutation

from the Beloved's side.

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