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(Rick Simeone) #1
،ò»ìïì ́ آòî jڳ ê ́ ́ ئت، òº êôìº ð ́

بئت، Äjوڙج اي ،ç— اذ—Ä ßئذ—Äوòë

òº êóÄj Äj ــ،ـڳ jـ ،


. وات ڳ’ ò ́ئ— ‚î

( 3 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

Those whom you remember

they too remember you

Apprehend the reality that

“If you remember me, I will remember you”

It is the Beloved’s trait

to carry a knife in his hand

and talks to you sweetly.

،ðô— ‘Ç Äïè ï»ìèئن ôî˜ئر، ½بôبê

.ðôƒ ئò ðî ا اورڻ ‰éئر، Ç ðèن ðÇ

( 3 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

The Beloved once beckoned me graciously

I have talked about it repeatedly

for the rest of my life.

، Çئڻ —ïڳ òzð— ،êóÄkÇ òï— òzð—

، jئڻ م، ė òÇئj ،òº êïìôë ôî{ئن يÅôë

.ن ðïèÇئ اäº !áÊئÙ ، ‰ئڻ و†ئئò ، ـä ‰ــ

( 3 داμÇئن —ôæئڻ، ÄÇ)

Even if the Beloved calls to kill you

or he may kill and thereby call you

Keep not yourself away from love's spear

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