Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
،êôÇ ê ́ وڙòî íë وÄó Çب¾ئن، êº ðئðôÇ

ßðÓئن، وóئ Äwي ،êôÇ ـÄ́ ئ·ôــــــــ òº íبð ́

آÇئن، ئôïtìå آر ،ðô˜ ́ ́ ð—ـــä ڏóئò

.واÄîو êó‘s ۾ وچ —ôμËبئن äèئ—

( 2 داμÇئن ،اڳÄóÄÇ ÄÇ)

The waves would not harass those

who are devoted to the Lord

The efficacy of the penitence

got them through the storm

They relied on Him and thereby passed

safely through the stream

The saviour met them in mid-stream.

،ç— òåاð½ ė ،òº Çب¾ئن òئôÇ

،çîو çÜ òî÷ ۾ çôæÈ ́ ́ ¾ôãــــــá òƒ

.ð ́ ½ئج —Äي äÍئ½ ،مė Çئڻ âئدر

( 4 داμÇئن ،اڳÄóÄÇ ÄÇ)

Assign all your affairs to Allah

Put away all the sorrows and doubts

and submit completely to Him

You will achieve your objectives

with graciousness of God.

Çـ رات Çئري


،êôÇ Íئ½ا ê— ðÇدو ،ـŠئڻ

ðºان، ðºپ ئــــــôæî ،نðó’ــــــــô} €Äي iــïëئ}
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