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(Rick Simeone) #1
ïôèئر، òÇ òj ،òp ïôèـــئر òº êj

.آ—Äو òp êôìº áËÙ بئر، êôì ́ ðîÄ ́

( 1 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)

Beloved is concerned about those

who are concerned about him

Raft is a burden for those

who are deeply involved in love.

îئئ، اڳò ôqåــئ اڻ ìôÇـــــــtئر، ºئ ’îئÇ

njئر، ò} ë˜ئ ،òئî نð˜ôß ê— ë˜ئ

،ارðì ́ òº ́ ðڏيھ ،òئî Âìïè æè˜ìئئن

.mئò ÞôÔå ÷óئئêô ïôèئر، Çئڻ ³ب¾è

( 6 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)

The attributes of the Beloved already existed

even before they were not written

Neither there was “Be and it became”

nor there was any utterance

Your sweet talk was there

even before the angels existed

“With love she embraced the Beloved”, says Latif.

،òº نðó‘} êô ۾، Çئëبئíî òº Çــ˜ــòھ

.—ìـــêó }ïìــò }ôــــòæ pـــò، êôì ́ Çئîـــــ’

( 6 داμÇئن ،òڻïÇ ÄÇ)

Those who drown while attempting

to reach their destination
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