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(Rick Simeone) #1
، ـä Œـ م ‘î ÄkŒ ڏي ،تðî êôÇ êôئìî îــä

.ðôƒ ئëـــــ— ۾ ئóئــــــ— ، èــäا ــــــــòآرóئڻ

( 3 داμÇئن آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)

Walk on with the heart to the Lord

leap not in the mountains

The priceless Beloved has His citadel

your body. inside

،نð ́ م، ـä Œـ ÄkŒ ڏي، ðîت êôÇ êôئìî îـ،ـä

.ڌڻò lô— ôîðئروـــــ— ،نðè åو ئنــــــï»ìè

( 3 داμÇئن آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)

Walk on with the heart to the Beloved

leap not in the mountains

I have discovered the mountaineer

Beloved within myself.

Çئڻ، م، pڳ ÇــòÈ ڏي، ،تðî êôÇ êôئìî îـ،ـä

.رðôîن اوري ئنـــآرóئڻô òÇ jئڻ، ðôëئ€ êـــــôìº

( 3 داμÇئن آبÄي، òئÈÇ ÄÇ)

Walk on with the heart to the Beloved, disassociate yourself from ego

Those who maintained the ego

fell short of the goal.

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