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(Rick Simeone) #1

An addict gets soothed

when he gets what he is addicted to

O' hypocrite! You may deny the beauty of Truth

The infidel and his disbelief

have compromised with belief.

Çـ،ـڳ ر


ر آòî ëـ،ـí


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،ð— íîئë

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.òî،و ،ڙðº ـòِïôºئئـ ،³ó

( 4 آÇئ، ÄÇ)

It is not his norm to get irritated

hence there is no reconciliation with him

Perceive love inside your own self

Its the way universe operates.

،¦ðî م، êئôº نÂëðî ،يė òïæ— íîئë ـ˜Äßـِ

،ð ́ و†ئðó وÆó و†ئðó، وÆó òpð ́

.ðô— ¦ðj و†ئئò jئڻ êïìº ،ðÇ آòî ـòÇئèـِ

( 3 ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

Take “nothingness” with you, do not assert your existence

Attire made you lost, you too humiliated the attire

The ascetic is he

who has annihilated to discard his “self”.

،êئôº نÂëðî ،مðî ،يė òïæ— íîئë ـ˜Äßـِ

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