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(Rick Simeone) #1
،نÄ ́ êئôº òبì ́ ۾، ŽëðéÇ Çئôè’ا


.ò— êô— ꍗ ،êȗ í ́ ،ê†و وات واڳðن òº

( 5 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

Desperation is the wear of ascetics

Sometimes on the back of a swift horse

sometimes they walk on foot

sometimes they swim in the sea like a float

Even when in crocodile’s jaws

they die but utter not a word.

،اÄìÇ íë ـðر، èـ òèئÇ êئôº —ئت، ـ{ئ —ـ êïìº êïì—

رات، NJئئò ðÇر ۾، ڏäó ڏòp ڏïìóئن


.º‘ائ’ي ðî !ôº»ئن ،ذات ðºڳôئن يÂìÇ

( 6 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

The ascetics are never happy

as if staughtered with a knife

Their bodies are in sufferings, all day and night

The ascetics’ class is always afflicted.

—ئj’ي، ðÇئμôئ ÂÇا ƒôئن، ¦ ðè èـ،ـ„ئ

اÂëوôîئن، اÂëر ò— ،ئôj íë êïì— òzð—

.Ãsري رÂëðs íï»ìè Çئ ن،‰éئرا ئ˜ôº

( 6 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)
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