Microsoft Word - Shah_Final

(Rick Simeone) #1
،ðÙئèئÓ íë ÚÓئم، —ئj’ي، —ـ،ـ’اóئ ـðت، âـ

،ðئئìôj íë Äïj ۾، ـ…، Çـ ôìîئئðن êôÇ

.ئó‘s رÂëðs ـòƒـِ ا آÇئئð، او،Çـ،ـÄ،

( 7 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

The ascetics are fed up with food

they are not fond of delicacies

They solicit nothingness

never begging for a moment

They seek pain (of love) together with adversity.

،ارÂÚéÓ íë ÚÓئم —ئj’ي، —’اóئ ðâت

óئر، íë íïì— òڳðº ۾، ـ…، Çـ ن ôìîئئð êôÇ

.ئó‘s رÂëðs اƒò آڌار، òº ا،وÇـ،ـÄ

( 7 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

The ascetics are fed up with food

they are not fond of delicacies

The Yogis are friends of none

they solicit nothingness

They depend upon poverty

together with hardship (in the path of love).

۾، êó’pا آòî ، ا،دب آدêôÈó

، اب íë اèئ íë ،ò— òîئë Èëا ½Èا ðº ê ́
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