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(Rick Simeone) #1

they unnecessarily went to the holy places.

،êôڳðº ïëئرðó jڳ ³ ́ ،ìë êôïìº ëئٿ

،ìj ـÄاêôî jـ ـóÄئ jـ —ئj’ي، ئôîئÈóðÇ òÇ

.ðô— ‚î ئنºøtìî êî ،ìî êî îئð ðî

( 8 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

The ascetics did look at the place

where the Lord would be

Those rightly guided ascetics

travelled to far off places

Some found Him near by

Some met him at holy places.

،¦ئp د م، —ئ دوêôïë —ئj’ي، ،ئن ́ðî÷ íïtìå

،¦ئj م، Äôj Äjي آÄÇو، م، ė اوري

.واڳðô êôÇ êôì ́ ون§ ،¦ئè íë ،¦ئº òº êº

( 9 داμÇئن ،òæ˜èرا ÄÇ)

O’ ascetic! Pass through a holy place

kindle not the fire

Expect not to be so near (union)

put not the foot to far away (journey)

Join those who have no relatives or abodes.

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