The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


  1. Jerusalem (Library of the Armenian Patriarchate in the Convent of St.
    James) 333, A.D. 1298, written by Wahram Sarkawag in the Monastery
    of Armen in the Cilician Taurus.
    Contains: the same treatises as no. 338 and in the same order, except
    that the first four of 338 are at the end.

  2. Jerusalem 157, A.D. 1758, a copy of no. 343.

  3. Istanbul (Library of the Armenian Patriarchate, Church of the Trinity)
    69, A.D. 1291, Aucher's cod. B, a copy of no. 353.

  4. Constantinople (Armenian National Library) 69, XVI. century. Its ex­
    emplar was written in A.D. 1298.

  5. Constantinople 114, A J). 1668.
    Contains: Philo's treatises with scholia.

  6. Djulfa (near Ispahan Library of the Armenian Monastery) 186, listed in
    S. Ter-Avetissian's manuscript catalogue, seen by Akinian in Tiflis in
    1925, XVI. century.
    Contains: LA i, ii (fragmentary text).

  7. Istanbul 114, XVIIL century.
    See Lewy, no. 443, p. 5.

  8. Jerusalem 1331, XIV. century.
    See Lewy, no. 443, p. 6, note 22.

  9. Edschmiatzin 465, XVII. century.
    Contains: quotations from Philo (fols. 291-295V).

  10. Tabriz VI, 51, XVII. century.
    Contains: a short catena of Philonic quotations (fols. 350-357).
    See H. Adjarian, Katalog der armenischen Handschriften in Tabris,
    Vienna, 1910,117.

  11. Tubingen cod. arm Ma. XIII, 97, XVIIL century.
    Contains: a catena of philosophic opinions on the definition and na­
    ture of substance (fol. 102).
    See Fink, F. N. and Gjandschezian, L., Verzeichnis der armenischen
    Handschriften der Koniglichen Universitdtsbibliothe\t Tubingen, 1907,

Scholia were made probably in the thirteenth century to assist Armenian
students of Philo. They throw some light on the history of Armenian scholar­
ship in that period, but appear to have little textual value. They are found in
the following codices:

  1. Edschmiatzin 1672, XII. century.

  2. Edschmiatzin 1897, XIL-XIIL centuries.

  3. Edschmiatzin 437, XIIL century.

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