The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

437.* Philo, with an English translation by F[RANCIS] HfENRY] COL-
SON and G. H. WHITAKER, London and New York (Cambridge,
Mass.), 1929—, 7 vols, now published, the Greek and English text on
opposite pages. (The Loeb Classical Library.) Mr. Whitaker cooper­
ated in editing through volume V; since his death the series is being
completed by Mr. Colson.
Contains: I, Opif., LA; II, Cher., Sac, Det., Post., Gig.; Ill, Immut.,
Agr., Plant., Ebr., Sobr.; IV, Conf., Migr., Heres, Cong.; V, Fug.,
Mut., Som.; VI, Abr., Jos., Mos.; VII, Decal., Spec, i, ii, iii.
fVols. I and II reviewed by Otto Stahlin, Philologische Wochenschrift,
L (1930), 225-227.
fVols. I, II, III reviewed by I. Heinemann, Monatsschrift fiir Ge­
schichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums, LXXVI (1932), 263-265.
Vol. Ill reviewed by Otto Stahlin, Philologische Wochenschrift, LI
(1931), I473-I476.
Vol. IV reviewed by Otto Stahlin, Philologische Wochenschrift, LIII
(i933)> I77-I79-

  1. "Neue Philontexte in der Uberarbeitung des Ambrosius. Mit einem
    Anhang: Neu gefundene griechische Philonfragmente," by HANS
    LEWY, Sitzungsberichte der preussischen A\ademie der Wissen-
    schaften, Jahrgang 1932, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 1932, 23-84.
    Contains: Frags.
    ^Reprinted, Berlin, 1932, pp. 64.
    #Reviewed by I. Heinemann in no. 537, LXXVI (1932), 265, and in
    Gnomon, IX (1933), 670-671; and tby Robert Devreesse, Revue bib-
    lique, XLII (1933), 136-137-
    439.* "Philon. de ebr. § 223 —de poster. Cain. § 34," Papiri greci e latinir
    Florence, XI, 1935, § 1207, pp. 90 f. (Pubblicazioni delta Societh Ita-
    Contains: Ebr. § 223, Cain. § 34.
    439a. Friichtel, L., "Griechische Fragmente zu Philons Quaestiones in Gene-
    sin et in Exodum," Zeitschrift fiir die alttestamentliche Wissenschaft,
    LV (N.F. XIV) (1937), 108-115.
    Contains: Frags.

440.* Philonis Iudaei sermones tres hactenus inediti I. et II. De providentia,
et 111. De animalibus, ex armena versione antiquissima ab ipso origi-
nali textu graeco ad verbum stride exequuta, nunc primum in Latium
fideliter translati, per P. JO: BAPTIST AM AUCHER, Venice, Typis
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