The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
Encyclopddie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, Suppl. vol. V,
i93i> 3-43-

  1. Ostersetzer, J., "On the Legal Status of the Alexandrian Jews in the
    Roman Period" (Hebrew), Sepher ha-Yobel li-\ebod Dr. Mordecai
    Zeeb Braude, Warsaw, 1931, 75-122. (From no. 800.)
    724.* Fink, Walther, Der Einfluss der jiidischen Religion auf die griechisch-
    romische, Diss. (Bonn), Bonn, 1932, pp. 117.

  2. Janne, H., "Un passage controverse de la lettre de Claude aux Alexan-
    drins," Revue archiologique, 5th S. XXXV (1932), 268-281.

  3. Lewy, Hans, "Hekataios von Abdera nepl 'IouSaiuv," Zeitschrift fiir
    die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft, XXXI (1932), 117-132.
    727* Sachs, Hanns, Bubi Caligula, 2nd edit., Wien, 1932, pp. 150.

  4. Segre, A., "Note sullo Status Civitatis degli ebrei nelP Egitto tolemaico
    e imperiale," Bulletin de la Sociiti Royale d'Archiologie d'Alexandrie,
    N.S., VIII (1933), 143-182.

  5. Silberschlag, E., "The Earliest Record of Jews in Asia Minor," Journal
    of Biblical Literature, LII (1933), 66-77.

  6. Friedmann, Kalman, "Condizioni e cultura degli Ebrei di Cirenaica

nelP antichita," Gironale delta Societh Asiatica Italiana, N.S., II, iv
(i934)> 32 3-334-
731.* Harmon, Austin M., "Egyptian Property-Returns," Yale Classical
Studies, New Haven and London, IV (1934), 133-230; see esp. 143 n.
and 144 n.

  1. Lepape, A., "Tiberius Iulius Alexander, Prefet d'Alexandrie et d'Egypte,"
    Bulletin de la SociitS Royale dfArchiologie d'Alexandrie, no. 29 (N.S.
    VIII, 3) (1934), 331-341.

  2. Stein, Edmund Menahem, "Pseudo-Hecateus, His Time, and the Bear­
    ing of His Book on the Jews and Their Country" (Hebrew), Siyyon,
    VI (1934), 1-11.

  3. Frey, Jean-Baptiste, Corpus inscriptionum ludaicarum: Recueil des in­
    scriptions juives qui vont du Hie sihele avant JSsus-Christ au Vile
    siicle de notre ire, Vol. I., Europe, Citta del Vaticano, 1936, pp. cxliv,

  4. (Sussidi alio studio delle antichith cristiane, pubblicati per cura del
    Pontiftcio Istituto di Archeologia Cristiana, I.)
    Frey's bibliography is valuable for his own earlier publications on Jew­
    ish epigraphy (largely subsumed in this volume), and for the field in
    Reviewed in no. 798.

  5. Wenger, Leopold, Rationales, griechisches und romisches Recht in
    Aegypten, Milan, 1936.

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