The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


86c>t Adler, Maximilian, "Bemerkungen zu Philos Schrift nepl [ii&Y\c"
Wiener Studien, XLIII (1922-1923), 92-96; XLIV (1924-1925), 220-
223; XLV (1926-1927), 117-120, 245-248.
#Reviewed by Marcus in no. 543, p. 464.

870 .1 Harris, [James] Rendel, "An Archeological Error in the Text of Philo
Judaeus," The Classical Review, XXXVIII (1924), 61-63.
•Reviewed by Marcus in no. 543, p. 464.
871.* Adler, Maximilian, "Zu Philo Alexandrinus," 'EmTUMP.ov Heinrich
Swaboda dargebracht, Reichenberg, 1927, 15-17.
Critical notes to Ebr., §4; Jos., §34; LA, iii, §24.

  1. Waddell, W. G., "On the Oxyrhynchus Papyrus of Philo (P. Oxy. IX,
    1173; XI, 1356)," Etudes de papyrologie, I (1932), 1-6.

  2. Kittel, Gerhard, Theologisches Worterbuch zum Neuen Testament,
    Stuttgart, 1933—(in progress).
    Philo is constantly used, so this is one of the best aids to Philonic
    874 .1 Marcus, Ralph, "An Armenian-Greek Index to Philo's Quaestiones
    and De vita contemplativa," Journal of the American Oriental Society,
    LIII (1933), 251-282.

See also nos. 812, 894, 897.

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