The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


clopadie fiir Bibel und Talmud, Strelitz, 2nd edit., II, 1883, 374-380,
999. Perez, Francesco, Sopra Filone Alessandrino e il suo libro detto La
Sapienza di Salomone, saggio storico-critico, seguito da una versione
poetica del libro stesso e da una appendice, Palermo, 1883, pp. 200.
fReviewed by G. Jare, Mose
antologia israelitica, VII (1884), 76-78,
111-114, 180-184; and by C. Siegfried, Berliner philologische Wochen­
schrift, IV (1884), 426.
iooo.# Weisse, Samson, Philo von Alexandrien und Moses Maimonides. Ein
vergleichender Versuch, Diss. (Halle), Halle a. S., 1884, pp. 31.
iooi.f Derenbourg, J., "Gloses d'abou Zakariya Ben Bilam sur Isaie," Revue
des etudes juives, XVII (1888), 172-180.
i002.f Epstein, A., "Le Livre des Jubiles, Philon et le Midrasch Tadsche,"
Revue des itudes juives, XXI (1890), 80-97, XXII (1891), 1-25.
1003.* Graetz, H., History of the Jews, Philadelphia, 1891-1898, 6 vols.; see
II, 144-145, 176, 184-187, 191, 194, 209-215, 373; III, 162; IV, 614; V,

  1. Winter, J[acob], and Wiinsche, Aug., Die jiidische Litteratur seit Ab-
    schluss des Kanons. Eine prosaische und poetische Anthologie mit
    biographischen und litterargeschichtlichen Einleitungen; I, Geschichte
    der judisch-hellenistischen und talmudischen Litteratur. Zugleich eine
    Anthologie fiir Schule und Haus, Trier (slip pasted over, Berlin),
    1894, 18-28.
    1005. Karppe, S., "Philon et le Zohar, deux expressions analogues de Palle-
    gorisme," Etude sur les origines et la nature du Zohar, precedSe d'une
    etude sur Vhistoire de la Kabbale, Paris, 1901, 527-581.
    Kohler, Kaufmann, "Moses," The Jewish Encyclopedia, New York
    and London, IX, 1905, 44-57.
    1007. Lauterbach, Jacob Zallel, "Philo Judaeus—His Relation to the Hala-
    kah," ibid., X, 1905, 15-18.
    ioo8.f Poznanski, Samuel, "Philon dans Tancienne litterature judeo-arabe,"
    Revue des etudes juives, L (1905), 10-31.
    Neumark, David, Geschichte der judischen Philosophic des Mittelal-
    ters, Berlin, 1907, 1910, 2 vols.; see II, 391-473 and passim.

  2. Ginzberg, Louis, The Legends of the Jews, (translated from the Ger­
    man manuscript by Henrietta Szold and Paul Radin), Philadelphia,
    The amazingly learned notes in volumes V and VI, with their com­
    parison of Philo and other Jewish traditions, are our most important
    source for a study of Philo's relation to Judaism in general. See the
    Index volume.

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