The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1




  1. Waeyen, J. van der, "Dissertatio de Aoyo) adversus J. Clericum," pub­
    lished with Stephen Rittangle's Libra Veritatis, et de Paschate tractatus,
    Frankfort a. M., 1698. (From no. 528 and B.M.)

  2. Kidder, Rich., "The Testimony of Philo the Jew concerning the Holy
    Trinity, and the Aoyoc considered," Demonstration of the Messias,
    London, 1700, p. Ill c. 5 u. 6. (From no. 528.)

  3. Nye, Stephen, "An Account of the Opinions and Books of Philo Ju­
    daeus, more especially, concerning the Aoyoc or Word," Doctrine of
    the Holy Trinity, London, 1701, 58-98. (From no. 528.)
    1039.* Witsius, Hermannus, Miscellaneorum sacrorum libri, editio nova,
    Ludduni Batavorum (Leyden), 1736, 2 vols., II, 72-74, 77-79.

  4. Carpzov, Iohannes Benedictus, De Aoycj Philonis, non lohanneo ad­
    versus Thomam. Mangey, Helmstadt, 1749, pp. 44.
    Reprinted in no. 1368.
    1041. Bryant, Jacob, The Sentiments of Philo Judeus concerning the Aoyoc,
    or Word of God; together with large extracts from his writings, com­
    pared with the Scriptures, on many other particular and essential doc­
    trines of the Christian religion, Cambridge, 1797.
    Grossmann, Christian Gottlob Leberecht, Quaestiones Philoneae, I.
    "De theologiae Philonis fontibus et auctoritate," II. "De Aoyu Phi­
    lonis," Leipzig, 1829, pp. 65, 70.

  5. Dorner, Ifsaac] A[ugust], Entwicl(lungsgeschichte der Lehre von der
    Person Christi von den altesten Zeiten bis auf die neuesten dargestellt,
    Stuttgart, 1839.
    Second edition, Stuttgart, [1845] 1851-54, 2 parts in 3 vols. English
    translation by William Lindsay Alexander, History of the Develop­
    ment of the Doctrine of the Person of Christ, Edinburgh, [1861-63],
    5 vols. See, in the English translation, I, i, 19-41, 327-343. (Claris
    Foreign Theological Library, III, xi.)

  6. Baur, Ferdinand Christian, Die christliche Lehre von der Dreieinig-
    \eit und Menschwerdung Gottes in ihrer geschichtlichen Entwic-
    lung, Tubingen, I, 1841, 59-78, 92-102.
    1045 /f Semisch, Carl, Justin der Martyrer, Breslau, II, 1842, 267-274. English
    translation by J. E. Ryland, Justin Martyr: His Life, Writings, and
    Opinions, Edinburgh, II, 1843, 165-207, esp. 170-180.

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