The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
IV (1876), 614-664; by M.H., Literarisches Centralblatt fiir Deutsch­
land, [XXVIII] (1877), 455 f.
1059.* Reville, Jean, Le Logos d'aprhs Philon d'Alexandrie, These (Geneva),
Geneva, 1877, pp. 94.

  1. KaAeyopac, N., "flepl Xoyou, SiSaoKaAiou OiAuvoc TOU 'IouBaiou,"
    Larrup, "ETOC a', <pv\. y', pp. 33-48.

  2. Klasen, Frz., Die alttestamentliche Weisheit und der Logos der jiidisch-
    alexandrinischen Philosophie auf historischer Grundlage in Vergleich
    gesetzt. Beitrag zur Christologie, Freiburg i. Br., 1878, pp. vi, 87.
    (From Heinsius, Biicher Lexicon.)

  3. Harnoch, Agathon, De Philonis Judaei Aoycj inquisitio, Regiomonti,
    (Konigsberg), 1879, pp. 38.

  4. Hillen, W., Die alttestamentliche Chochma, der platonisch-philonische
    Logos, und das chinesische Tao, program, Coesfeld, 1882. (From no.
    1064* Swainson, Charles Anthony, "Logos, the Word," in William Smith
    and Henry Wace, A Dictionary of Christian Biography, Literature,
    Sects and Doctrines, London, III, 1882, 735-737.

  5. Aall, Anathon, Der Logos. Geschichte seiner Entwic\elung in der
    griechischen Philosophie und der christlichen Litteratur, Leipzig, 1896,
    1899,1,184-231, and Index in II.

  6. Heinze, M., "Emanatismus," in Albert Hauck, Realencyf(lopddie fiir
    protestantische Theologie und Kirche, Leipzig, V, 1898, 329-336, esp.
    331 £

  7. Mills, Lawrence, "Was Vohu Manah Philo's Logos?" The Imperial
    and Asiatic Quarterly Review, 3. S. IX (1900), 351 f.

  8. Mills, Lawrence [H.], "The Avesta not Philonian," The Imperial and
    Asiatic Quarterly Review, 3. S. XI (1901), 124-127.
    1069 .1 Mills, Lawrence [H.], "Philo's Suvaucic; and the Amesha Spenta,"

The Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland,
9°h 553~5^68 -
Reitzenstein, R[ichard], Zwei religionsgeschichtliche Fragen nach
ungedruc\ten griechischen Texten der Strassburger Bibliothe\, Strass-
burg, 1901; see 12, 53 n., 75 n., 84, 100, 102.

  1. Kirn, O., "Logos," in Albert Hauck, Realency\lopddie fiir protestan­
    tische Theologie und Kirche, Leipzig, XI, 1902, 599-605.

  2. Kohler, Kaufmann, "Memra," The Jewish Encyclopedia, New York,
    VIII, 1904, 464 f.

  3. Giambelli, Carlo, "Dell' opera pseudo-Aristotelica intitolata: Theologia
    sive mystica philosophia. Saggio critico sulla coltura filosofica e let-
    teraria del Risorgimento, preceduto da brevi cenni sopra Filone Ales-

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