The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


  1. Bengel, Ernestus Theoph. de, "Dissertatio historico-theologica, quid
    doctrina de animorum immortalitate religioni Christianae debeat, ex
    caussae natura et ex rebus factis monstrans," Opuscula Academica,
    edited by M. Jo. Godofr. Pressel, Hamburg, 1834, 45-272; see esp.

  2. Schreitet, "Sur Pimmortalite," Analecta de Keil et Tschirner, t.I (H.2)
    et till (H.2). (From no. 626.)

  3. Freudenthal, Max, Die Er\enntnislehre Philos von Alexandria, Diss.
    (Greifswald), Berlin, 1891, pp. 78, with bibliographical foot-notes.
    #Reprinted, Berlin, 1891.
    Reviewed by Johannes Draseke, Wochenschrift fiir Jtfassische Philo­
    logie, VIII (1891), 1361-1365; by R. Ausfeld, Neue philologische
    Rundschau, 1892, 298-301; fby P[aul] Wendland, Berliner philo­
    logische Wochenschrift, XII (1892), 751 f.; by Whlrb., Literarisches
    Centralblatt fiir Deutschland, [XLIII] (1892), 4; and by Ch. Wirth,
    Blatter fiir das Gymnasial-Schulwesen herausgegeben vom Bayer.
    Gymnasiallehrervereine, XXIX (1893), 25 f.

  4. Cremer, "Fleisch," in Albert Hauck, RealencyJ(lopadie fiir protestan-
    tische Theologie und Kirche, Leipzig, VI, 1899, 98-105, esp, 100 f.

  5. Cremer, "Inspiration," in Albert Hauck, Realencyf(lopadie fiir protes-
    tantische Theologie und Kirche, Leipzig, IX, 1901, 183-203, esp. 186 f.
    1099 .1 Dickerman, Sherwood Owen, "Some Stock Illustrations of Animal
    Intelligence in Greek Psychology," Transactions and Proceedings of
    the American Philological Association, XLII (1911), 123-130.
    noo.f Colson, F. H., "Philo on Education," The Journal of Theological
    Studies, XVIII (1916-1917), 151-162.
    iioi.f Heinemann, I[saak], "Philons Lehre vom Heiligen Geist und der
    intuitiven Erkenntnis," Monatsschrift fiir Geschichte und Wissen­
    schaft des Judentums, LXIV (1920), 8-29, 101-122.
    ii02.f Muhl, Max, ""AvSpurroc; yjuepuTarov £yov," Philologische Wochen­
    schrift, XLIV (1924), 405.

  6. Stegmann, Basil Augustine, Christ, the "Man from Heaven": A Study
    of 1 Cor. 15, 45-47 in the Light of the Anthropology of Philo Judaeus,
    Diss. (Catholic University), Washington, 1927, pp. xvi, 104; bibliog­
    raphy xi-xiv. (The Catholic University of America New Testament
    Studies, VI.)
    1104.* Muhl, Max, Die anti\e Menschheitsidee in ihrer geschichtlichen Ent-

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