The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


  1. Boughton, J. S., "Conscience and the Logos in Philo," The Lutheran
    Church Quarterly, IV (1931), 121-133.
    1144. Pascher, Joseph, y) (3aoiAiKV) oSoc. Der Konigsweg zu Wiedergeburt
    und Vergottung bei Philon von Alexandreia, Paderborn, 1931, pp. 280.
    (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums, XVII, 3, 4.)
    Reviewed by G. A. van den Bergh van Eysinga, Nieuw theologisch
    Tijdschrift, XXI (1932), 368-370; by W. Wilbrand, Theologische Re­
    vue, XXXI (1932), 444-449;
    by Jules Lebreton, Recherches de sci­
    ence religieuse, XXIII (1933), 334-337; by H. Rahner, Zeitschrift fur
    \atholische Theologie, LVII (1933), 103-109; by Herbert Preisker,
    Theologische Literaturzeitung, LIX (1934), 177 f.; and by Marcus in
    no. 543, p. 475 f.
    1145.f Wenschkewitz, Hans, "Philo von Alexandria," Die Spiritualisierung
    der Kultusbegriffe Tempel, Priester und Opfer im Neuen Testament,
    Leipzig, 1932, 67-87. (Gottfried Polster,
    AyycXoc, Archiv fiir neutes-
    tamentliche Zeitgeschichte und Kultur\unde, Beiheft 4.)
    #Reviewed by Marcus in no. 543, p. 482.
    1146. Goodenough, Erwin Rfamsdell], By Light, Light: The Mystic Gos­
    pel of Hellenistic Judaism, New Haven and London, 1935, pp. xv, 436.
    tReviewed in The Times Literary Supplement, London, XXXIV, Oct.
    24,1935, p. 675; fby B. S. Efaston], The Living Church, XCII (1935),
    812; fby W. E. G[arrison], The Christian Century, LII (1935), 856;
    fby E. F. Scott, Church History, IV (1935), 228 f.; +by Shirley Jackson
    Case, The Journal of Religion, XV (1935), 484 £.; in Jewish Examiner,
    XIII (1935), no. 25, p. 4; fby E. F. Scott, The American Historical
    Review, XLI (1935-1936), 321 f.; fby Abram Simon, The Catholic
    Historical Review, XXI (1935-1936), 451-453; fby Boaz Cohen, Jour­
    nal of the American Oriental Society, LVI (1936), 500-505; by M.-J.
    Lagrange, Revue biblique, XLV (1936), 265-269; by K. Lake, Journal
    of Biblical Literature, LV (1936), 90-93; fby J. Leipoldt, Theologische
    Literaturzeitung, LXI (1936), 175 f.; fby Ralph Marcus, American
    Journal of Philology, LVII (1936), 203-205; fby Harold R. Wil-
    loughby, Anglican Theological Review, XVIII (1936), 36-38; by
    Arthur Darby Nock, Gnomon, XIII (1937), 156-165; by G. C. Rich­
    ards, The Journal of Theological Studies, XXXVIII (1937), 414-416;
    by S. Belkin, The Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. XXVIII (1937-1938),
    279-282; and by
    H. P. Kingdon, The Journal of Egyptian Archeol­
    ogy, XKIIl (1937), 139 f.
    1147.* Peisker, Martin, Der Glaubensbegriff bei Philon, hauptsdchlich dar-
    gestellt an Moses und Abraham, Diss. (Breslau), Aue i. Sa., 1936, pp.

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