The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


  1. Hirzel, Rudolf, Themis, Di\e und Verwandtes, Leipzig, 1907; see
    124 n., 224 n., 227 n., 228 n., 376 n., 380 n., 388 n., 396.
    1170 .1 Heinemann, J[saak], "Philos Lehre vom Eid. Eine quellenkritische
    Untersuchung," Judaica. Festschrift zu Hermann Cohens siebzigstem
    Geburtstage, Berlin, 1912, 109-118.
    1171.* Revel, Bernard, The Karaite Hala\ah and its Relation to Sadducean,
    Samaritan and Philonian Hala\ah, Part I, Thesis (Dropsie College),
    Philadelphia, 1913, pp. 88.

  2. Revel, Bernard, "The Penalty of Perjury in Philo and Maimonides"
    (Hebrew), Horeb, 1913.
    H73.f Mann, Jacob, "Oaths and Vows in the Synoptic Gospels," The Ameri­
    can Journal of Theology, XXI (1917), 260-274.
    ii74.f Aptowitzer, V., "Observations on the Criminal Law of the Jews,"
    The Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. XV (1924-1925), 55-118.
    ii75.f Aptowitzer, V., "The Rewarding and Punishing of Animals and In­
    animate Objects," Hebrew Union College Annual, Cincinnati, III
    (1926); see 125-130.
    1176. Goodenough, Erwin Ramsdell, "Philo and Public Life," The Journal
    of Egyptian Archaeology, XII (1926), 77-79.
    fReviewed by H. I. Bell, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, XIII
    (1927), 109; and
    by Marcus in no. 543, p. 446 f.
    ii77.f Leisegang, Hans, "Der Ursprung der Lehre Augustins von der Civitas
    Dei," Archiv fur Kulturgeschichte, XVI (1926), 127-158.
    H78.f Heinemann, Ifsaak], "Die Lehre vom ungeschriebenen Gesetz im
    judischen Schrifttum," Hebrew Union College Annual, Cincinnati,
    IV (1927), 149-171, esp. 152-159.
    *Reviewed by Marcus in no. 543, p. 467.

  3. Revel, B[ernard], "Philonian Halakah," The Jewish Forum, XI
    (1928), 120-122.
    1180.* Goodenough, Erwin Ramsdell, The Jurisprudence of the Jewish
    Courts in Egypt: Legal Administration by the Jews under the early
    Roman Empire as Described by Philo Judaeus, New Haven and Lon­
    don, 1929, pp. vii, 268.
    fReviewed in The Times Literary Supplement, London, XXIX (April
    3, 1930), 296; fby I. Heinemann, Monatsschrift fiir Geschichte und
    Wissenschaft des Judentums, LXXIV (1930), 363-369; by the same,
    Deutsche Literaturzeitung, LI (III. Folge, I) (1930), 1127-1131; fby
    Nic. Hohlwein, Bulletin Bibliographique et PSdagogique du MusSe
    Beige, XXXIV (1930), $£.; fby J. G. M[ilne], The Journal of Hel­
    lenic Studies, L (1930), 353; fby Max Radin, Yale Law Journal,
    XXXIX (1930), 1222-1225 (fcf. Goodenough's answer, ibid., XL

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