The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
[1930], 146-149); by Max Radin, Classical Philology, XXV (1930),
294-297; fby William Renwick Riddell, American Bar Association
Journal, XVI (1930), 812 f.; fby N. Bentwich, "Philo as Jurist," The
Jewish Quarterly Review, N.S. XXI (1931), 151-157; fby Paul Collart,
Revue de philologie de UttSrature et d'histoire anciennes, 3. S. V
(1931), 147 f.; fby S. Krauss, Orientalistische Literaturzeitung, XXXIV
(1931), 451-453; #by S. Levy, The Jewish Chronicle, The Organ of
British Jewery, XC, Supplement, no. 130 (October, 1931), p. vi; fby
M. San Nicolo, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, XVIII (1932),
116-118; fby F. de Zulueta, The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology,
XVIII (1932), 94 f.; fby F. Heichelheim, Gnomon, X (1934), 108 f.;
and #by Marcus in no. 543, p. 47 f.

  1. Gulak, A., "Deed of Betrothal and Oral Stipulations in Talmudic
    Law" (Hebrew), Tarbiz, III (1931-1932), 361-376.
    1182. Lietzmann, Hans, "Der Sinn des Aposteldekretes und seine Text-
    wandlung," in H. G. Wood, Amicitiae Corolla, A Volume of Essays
    Presented to James Rendel Harris, London, 1933; see 205-207.
    Tracy, Sterling, Philo Judaeus and the Roman Principate, Williams-
    port (Pennsylvania), 1933, pp. 55.
    tReviewed by Henri Henne, Revue des 6tudes anciennes, XXXVI
    (1934), 542-545; and by Marcus in no. 543, p. 487 f.
    1184^ Allon, G., "Studies in Philonian Halacha" (Hebrew), Tarbiz, V
    (1933-1934), 28-36, 241-246; VI (i934-i935)> 3°-37> 452 -459-
    Belkin, Samuel, The Alexandrian Hala\ah in Apologetic Literature
    of the First Century C.E., Philadelphia, [1936], pp. 70.
    *Reviewed by E. R. G[oodenough], Journal of Biblical Literature,
    LV (1936), 319-320.

  2. Langstadt, Erich, "Zu Philos Begriff der Demokratie," in Bruno
    Schindler, Occident and Orient... [Moses] Gaster Anniversary Vol­
    ume, London, [1936], 349-364.
    1186a. Belkin, Samuel, Philo and the Oral Law, Cambridge (Mass.), pp. 340.
    (Harvard Semitic Series.) To be published in 1938.
    See also nos. 659, 665, 666, 735, 1156, 1482.

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