The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


1189 .1 Frankel, [Z.], "Alexandrinische Messiashoffnungen," Monatsschrift
fiir Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, VIII (1859), 241-
261, 285-308, 321-330.
1190.* Miiller, J. G., Die messianischen Erwartungen des Juden Philo, Pro­
gram, Basel, 1870, pp. 25.

  1. Kroll, Josef, "Poseidonios und Vergils vierte Ekloge," Hermes, L
    (1915), see 139-141.

  2. Gregoire, F., "Le Messie chez Philon d'Alexandrie," Ephemerides
    theologiae lovanienses, 1935. (From no. 800.)

See also no. 1131.

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