The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

  1. Adams, H., History of the Jews from the Destruction of Jerusalem,
    Boston, 1813,1, 60-62. (From no. 1269.)

  2. Bellermann, Joh. Joach., Geschichtliche Nachrichten aus dem Alter-
    thume uber Essaer und Therapeuten, Berlin, 1821, pp. viii, 180.

  3. Beer, P., Geschichte, Lehren und Meinungen aller religiosen Se\ten der
    Juden, Briinn, 1822,1, 68 ff. (From nos. 1227 and 1269.)

  4. Credner, "Uber Essaer und Ebioniten und einen theilweisen Zusam-
    menhang derselben," in Winer's Zeitsch. fur wissenschaftl. Theol., Bd.
    I, Heft 2 (1827), 211-264, Heft 3 (1829), 277-328. (From no. 593.)

  5. Grossmann, Christian] Gotdob Leberecht, De Ascetis Judaeorum
    veterum ex Philone, Altenburg, [1833], pp. 26.

  6. [Raphall, Morris J.], "The Sect of the Essenes," The Hebrew Review,
    III (1836), 123-127, 138-141, 156-157.
    A discussion of the section on the Essenes in no. 1224.

  7. Schoell, Joh. Ludov., De vitae contemplativae in Gentilismo et in Ju-
    daica Religione quae extant vestigiis, addita quaestione de causis ejus-
    dem vivendi formae a Christianis susceptae, Diss. (Strassburg), Argen-
    torati (Strassburg), 1838, pp. 41.

  8. [De Quincy, Thomas], "On the Essenes," Blackwood's Edinburgh
    Magazine, CCXCI (1840), 105-116, 453-473, 639-649.
    Reprinted in his collected works, frequently republished; see the edi­
    tion, Edinburgh, IX, 1862, 253-300.

  9. Dahne, "Essaer," in J. S. Ersch and J. G. Gruber, Allgemeine Ency-
    Jtfopddie der Wissenschaften und Kiinste, Leipzig, I, xxxviii, 1843,

  10. Beard, J. R., "Essenes," in John Kitto, Cyclopaedia of Biblical Litera­
    ture, New York, 1845-46,1, 657-661.

  11. Frankel, [Z.], "Die Essaer," Zeitschrift fiir die religiosen Interessen des
    Judenthums, III (1846), 441-461.

  12. De Quincey, Thomas, "Secret Societies," Tait's Magazine, [2. S.] XIV
    (1847); see 661-670.
    Reprinted in his collected works with a supplement concerning the
    Essenes; see the edition, Edinburgh, VI, 1863, 271-310.

  13. Hall, Wm., "The Essenes, Morally and Historically Considered," The
    Biblical Repository and Classical Review, 3rd Series III (1847), 162-

  14. Bottger, Tiber den Or den der Essaer, Dresden, 1849. (From no. 1277.)

  15. Frankel, [Z.], "Die Essaer nach talmudischen Quellen," Monatsschrift
    fur Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judenthums, II (1853), 30-40,

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