The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1


  1. Ritschl, Albrecht, "Ueber die Essener," Theologische Jahrbiicher, XIV

(1855), 315-356.

  1. Uhlhorn, G., "Essener," in [J. J.] Herzog, Real-Encyftfopadie fiir pro-
    testantische Theologie und Kirche, 1st edit., IV, Stuttgart and Ham­
    burg, 1855, 174-177; 2nd edit., Leipzig, IV, 1879, 341-344; 3rd edit,
    edited by Albert Hauck, Leipzig, V, 1898, 524-527.

  2. Mangold, Wilhelm, Die Irrlehrer der Pastoralbriefe, Marburg, 1856,

  3. Edersheim, Alfred, History of the Jewish Nation, Edinburgh, 1856; see
    esp. 456-460.

  4. Hilgenfeld, Afdolph], Die jiidische Apo\alypti\ in ihrer geschicht-
    lichen Entwic\elung, Jena, 1857, 243-286.

  5. Ritschl, Albrecht, Entstehung der alt\atholischen Kirche, 2nd edit.,
    Bonn, 1857, I79"^20 3«

  6. Hilgenfeld, A[dolph], "Das Urchristenthum und seine neuesten Bear-
    beitungen von Lechler und Ritschl," §2. "Der Essaismus und das
    Judenchristenthum," Zeitschrift fur wissenschaftliche Theologie, I
    (1858), 116-140.

  7. Hilgenfeld, Afdolph], "Die jiidische Apokalyptik und die neuesten
    Forschungen," §4. "Die essaischen Vereine," Zeitschrift fur wissen­
    schaftliche Theologie, III (i860), 358-362.

  8. Westcott, Brooke Foss, "Essenes," in William Smith, Dictionary of the
    Bible, Boston, I, i860, 581-583.
    Reprinted with a supplement by Ezra Abbot in the edition revised by
    H. B. Hackett and Ezra Abbot, Boston, I, 1880, 771-774.

  9. Ginsburg, Christian D., "Essenes or Essaens," in John Kitto, A Cyclo­
    paedia of Biblical Literature, Edinburgh, 1862; see the 3rd edit., edited
    by William Lindsay Alexander, Philadelphia, 1865, 827-830.

  10. Lowy, Jacob Ezechiel, "Essaer, Essener" (Text in Hebrew), Kritisch-
    talmudisches Lexicon, Wien, I, 1863, 268-287 (added title in Hebrew).

  11. Ginsburg, Christian D., The Essenes: Their History and Doctrines,
    London, 1864, pp. 82.
    Reprinted from The Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical
    Society of Liverpool.

  12. Benamozegh, Elia, Storia degli Esseni, Firenze, 1865, pp. iv, 552.
    1250.* Harnischmacher, De Essenorum apud Iudaeos societate, Program,
    Bonn, 1866,1-26.

  13. Derenbourg, Jfoseph], Essai sur Vhistoire et la geographic de la Pales­
    tine, d'apres les Thalmuds et les autres sources rabbiniques, Paris, 1867,
    166-175, 460-462.

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