The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

  1. Niven, William Dickie, "Essenes," in James Hastings, Dictionary of
    the Apostolic Church, New York and Edinburgh, 1916,1, 367-369.

  2. Abrahams, Israel, "Philo on the 'Contemplative Life,'" Bypaths in
    Hebraic Boo^land, Philadelphia, 1920, 24-31.

  3. Boll, Franz, Vita Contemplativa. Festrede zum zehnjahrigen Stiftungs-
    feste der Heidelberger A\ademie der Wissenschaften, Heidelberg,
    1920, pp. 34. (Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger A\ademie der Wis­
    senschaften, Stiftung Heinrich Lanz, Philosophisch-historische Klasse,
    1920, Abh. 8.)
    tReviewed by I. Heinemann, Monatsschrift filr Geschichte und Wis­
    senschaft des Judentums, LXVII (1923), 280.

  4. Moffatt, James, "Therapeutae," in James Hastings, Encyclopaedia of
    Religion and Ethics, New York and Edinburgh, II, 1922, 315-319.

  5. Weber, Max, Gesammelte Aufsatze zur Religionssoziologie. III. Das
    anti\e Judentum, Tubingen, 1923, 423-430.

  6. Bauer, "Essener," in Pauly-Wissowa-Kroll, Real-Encyclopddie der clas­
    sischen Altertumswissenschaft, Supplbd. IV, 1924, 386-430; with excel­
    lent bibliography.

  7. Perles, Felix, "The Hebrew Names of the Essenes and Therapeutae,"
    The Jewish Quarterly Review, XVII (1926-1927), 405 f.

  8. Cumont, Franz, "Esseniens et Pythagoriciens, d'apres un passage de
    Josephe," Academie des Inscriptions & Belles-Lettres: Comptes rendus
    des seances de Vannie, 1930, 99-112.

  9. [Escande, Alfred], "Esseniens," in Alexandre Westphal, Dictionnaire
    encyclopedique de la Bible, Paris, 1932, 373 f.

  10. Modi, Jivanji Jamshedji, "Who were the Persian Magi, who Influenced
    the Jewish Sect of the Essenes?" Festschrift Moriz Winternitz, Leip­
    zig J933 209-211.

  11. Heinemann, I[saak], "Die Sektenfrommigkeit der Therapeuten,"
    Monatsschrift filr Geschichte und Wissenschaft des Judentums,
    LXXVIII (1934), 104-117-
    i32i.t Heinemann, I[saak], "Therapeutai," in Pauly-Kroll-Mittelhaus, Real-
    Encyclopddie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, V A, 1934, 2321-

  12. Marchel, L., "Esseniens," in Louis Pirot, Dictionnaire de la Bible...
    Supplement, Paris, II, 1934, 1109-1132.

See also nos. 569 (II, 299-356), 570 (I, 439-497) 58 9 59^1 (pp- 132-14^6 )
593 (§3°)
6l9 743 92 i (HI* ii, 298-384), 995 (pp. 120 ff.), 1003 (3rd
edit., Ill, 99 ff., and 657-663).

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