The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
Epistle to the Galatians, New York, 1920; see Index. (The Interna­
tional Critical Commentary.)

  1. Toussaint, C, L'HelUnisme et L'Apdtre Paul, Paris, 1921; see esp.

  2. Vitti, A., "Christus-Adam: De Paulino hoc conceptu interpretando
    eiusque ab extraneis fontibus independentia vindicanda," Biblica, VII
    (1926), 121-145; see esp. "Theoria Philonis," 140-144.

  3. Porter, Frank Chamberlin, The Mind of Christ in Paul: Light from
    Paul on Present Problems of Christian Thinking, New York and
    London, 1930, pp. xiii, 323.
    1362.* Scott, E. F., The Epistles of Paul to the Colossians, to Philemon and
    to the Ephesians, New York, 1930, 21.

  4. Windisch, Hans, Die \atholischen Briefe, 2nd edit., Tubingen, 1930,
    passim. (Hans Lietzmann, Handbuch zum Neuen Testament, XV.)
    1364^ Andrews, Mary E., "Paul, Philo, and the Intellectuals," Journal of
    Biblical Literature, LIII (1934), 150-166.
    #Reviewed by Marcus in no. 543, p. 488.

  5. Lagrange, M.-J., "Les origines du dogme paulinien de la divinite du
    Christ," Revue biblique, XLV (1936), 5-33.

  6. Oepke, Albrecht, Der Brief des Paulus an die Galater, Leipzig, 1937;
    see Index. (Theologischer Hand\ommentar zum Neuen Testament,

  7. Wikenhauser, Alfred, Die Kirche als der mystische Leib Christi nach
    dem Apostel Paulus, Munster i. W., [1937]; see Index.

See also nos. 1103,1106.

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