The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
1386.* Reville, Jean, La doctrine du Logos dans le quatriime evangile et
dans les oeuvres de Philon, Paris, 1881, pp. 181.

  1. Westcott, B[rooke] F[oss], The Gospel according to St. John: The
    Authorised Version with Introduction and Notes, London, 1882, xvi-
    (Reprinted from The Speaker's Commentary.) 2nd edit., London,
    1908, I, xxxiv-xxxix.

  2. Weiss, Bernhard, "Die Fleischwerdung des Logos," Lehrbuch der Bib-
    lischen Theologie des Neuen Testaments, 4th edit., Berlin, 1884, 616-

  3. Muretov, Filosofia Filona Alexandriis\ago v otnoshenii \ ucheniu
    Ioanna Bogoslova o Logose, 1885.

  4. Schanz, Paul, Commentar uber das Evangelium des heil. Johannes,
    Tubingen, 1885, pp. iv, 599. (From Heinsius, Biicher-Lexikpn.)

  5. Holtzmann, H. J., Evangelium, Briefe und Offenbarung des Johannes,
    Freiburg, 1891, 6-8, 32-36. (H. J. Holtzmann and others, Hand-
    Commentar zum Neuen Testament, IV.)

  6. Ball, W. E., "St. John and Philo Judaeus," The Contemporary Review,
    LXXIII (1898), 219-234.
    ^Reprinted in St. Paul and the Roman Law, Edinburgh, 1901, 95-133.
    1393.* Purves, G. T., "Logos," in James Hastings, A Dictionary of the Bible,
    etc., New York and Edinburgh, III, 1900, 132-136.

  7. Grill, Julius, Untersuchungen uber die Entstehung des vierten Evan-
    geliums, Tubingen and Leipzig, I, 1902, pp. xii, 408; II, 1923, pp. vii,

  8. Loisy, Alfred, Le Quatrihme Evangile, Paris, 1903; see Index.
    Second edit., Paris, 1921, 88-94.
    1396^ Sachsse, Eugen, "Die Logoslehre bei Philo und bei Johannes," Neue
    \irchliche Zeitschrift, XV (1904), 747-767.
    1397.* D'Alma, Jean, Philon d'Alexandrie et le Quatrteme Evangile, Paris,
    1910, pp. viii, 117.
    fReviewed by P. Dhorme, Revue biblique, N.S. VIII (1911), 305-306;
    and by Alfred Loisy, Revue critique d'histoire et de litterature, XLV, i,
    or N.S. LXXI (1911), 404-405.

  9. Wendt, Hans Hinrich, "Das Verhaltnis des Prologs zum Philonis-
    mus," Die Schichten im vierten Evangelium, Gottingen, 1911, 98-103.

  10. Bauer, Walter, Johannes, Tubingen, 1912, 5-8 and passim. {Handbuch
    zum Neuen Testament, II, ii.)
    1400.* Smith, Bertram Tom Dean, "The Johannine Theology," in F. J.
    Foakes-Jackson, The Parting of the Roads. Studies in the Develop­
    ment of Judaism and Early Christianity, by members of Jesus College,
    Cambridge, London, 1912, 239-282.

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