The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
1401.* Thompson, J. M., "Symbolism in the Fourth Gospel," in Society of
Historical Theology, Abstract of Proceedings for the Year 1913-1914,
Oxford, [1914], 24-29.

  1. Wetter, Gillis P:son, "Der Sohn Gottes:n Eine Untersuchung uber den
    Character und die Tendenz des Johannes-Evangeliums, Gottingen,
    1916; see Index. (Wilhelm Bousset and Hermann Gunkel, For­
    schungen zur Religion und Literatur des Alten und Neuen Testa­
    ments, Neue Folge, 9.)

  2. Johnston, Charles, "The Logos in the Fourth Gospel," The Construc­
    tive Quarterly, VI (1918), 347-362.

  3. Biichsel, Friedrich, Johannes und der hellenistische Syn\retismus,
    Gutersloh, 1928, pp. 114. (A. Schlatter and W. Liitgert, Beitrage zur
    Forderung christlicher Theologie, 2. Reihe, 16.)
    1405.* Bernard, J. H., A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel
    according to St. John, edited by A. H. McNeile, New York, 1929, I,
    cxxxviii-cxli. (The International Critical Commentary.)

  4. Odeberg, Hugo, The Fourth Gospel: Interpreted in its relation to con­
    temporaneous religious currents in Palestine and the Hellenistic-Ori­
    ental world: Part I, The Discourses of John I19-12, Uppsala Och
    Stockholm, [1929], pp. 336.
    1407. Scott, E[rnest] F., The Fourth Gospel: Its purpose and theology,
    Edinburgh, 2nd edit., 1930, pp. ix, 379; see Index and 13, 21, 54-64,
    146-160, 195.
    Bacon, Benjamin W., The Gospel of the Hellenists, edited [post­
    humously] by Carl H. Kraeling, New York, [1933]; see 130 f., 158 f.,
    163 f., 238,310,315, 321 f., 327, 353, 375, 392.

  5. Hadidian, Yervant H., "Philonism in the Fourth Gospel," The Mac-
    donald Presentation Volume, Princeton, 1933, 211-222.
    1410* Sikes, Walter W., The Theology of Philo and of John. An Introduc­
    tion to the Religious Ideas of Philo Judaeus and their Relationship to
    the Johannine Literature, 1934, pp. 113.
    S.T.M. diss., not published; typewritten copy at Union Theological
    Seminary, New York.

See also no. 1064.

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