The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1



(In the following, PG = J.-P. Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completus...
Series Graeca; PL = ibid., Series Latina; GCS = Die griechischen christ-
lichen Schrijtsteller der ersten drei Jahrhunderte, Leipzig; CSEL = Corpus
Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Latinorum, Vienna.)

  1. Clemens Romanus: see J. B. Lightfoot, The Apostolic Fathers, Lon­
    don, I, ii, 1890, 44 f., 98,130, 164, 183, 214.

  2. Barnabas: see Hans Windisch, Die Apostolischen Vater, III: Der Bar-
    nabasbrief, Tubingen, 1920, passim. (Hans Lietzmann, Handbuch
    zum Neuen Testament, Erganzungs Band.)

  3. Aristides: see the Introduction and notes passim in #J. Geffcken, Zwei
    griechische Apologeten, Leipzig and Berlin, 1907, 3-96.

  4. Justinus Martyr: see Geffcken, ibid., 103 n., and nos. 1488, 1489, 1491,

  5. Tatianus: see Geffcken, ibid., 112 f.

  6. Athenagoras: see the note by Ioann. Carol. Theod. Otto, Corpus apolo-
    getarum christianorum saeculi secundi, Jena, VII, 1857, 3; also the
    notes by Geffcken, op. cit., 155-238.

  7. Theophilus Antiochenus: see the notes by Otto, op. cit., VIII, 1861, 52,
    77, 92,101, 108, 232.

  8. Clemens Alexandrinus: refers to Philo in Stromata, I, 31, 1; 72, 4; 141,
    3; 153, 2; II, 100, 3 (Stahlin's edition). Every editor has pointed out
    Philonic parallels throughout Clement. The matter is best approached
    through the notes of Otto Stahlin, Clemens Alexandrinus, Leipzig,
    1905-36, 4 vols. (GCS); see the Index, IV, 47-49, 189.

  9. Irenaeus: see Renatus Massuetus, "Dissertationes praeviae in Irenaei
    Libros," PG, VII, 40D, 49D. See also the notes by #Adolphus Stieren,
    Sancti Irenaei Episcopi Lugdunensis quae supersunt omnia, II, i, Leip­
    zig and London, 1848, 69, 76, 248, 378, 617, 662, 745, 800, 807; II, ii,
    Leipzig, 1853, 884, 913, 915, 959, 961, 962; and by W. Wigan Harvey,
    Sancti Irenaei Episcopi Lugdunensis libros quinque adversus haereses,
    Cambridge, 1857,1, 266, 288.

  10. Origenes: see the indices to the volumes of his work in GCS: II, 430
    (for I and II, edited by Paul Koetschau, 1899); III, 316 (edited by
    Erich Klostermann, 1901); IV, 594 (edited by Erwin Preuschen, 1903).
    See also notes by Delarue, PG, XIII, 1857, 1260A; XIV, 1857, 171D.

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