The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1
nominum hebraicorum pars quaedam ex operibus Philonis Judaei
collecta: PL, XXIII, 1845,1281-1290. Praefatio in libros Salotnonis: PL,
XXVIII, 1846, 1242A, 1243A. Praefatio in librum fob: PL, XXVIII,

  1. Ambrosius: Epistolae: see the notes of Frische and Naurry, PL, XVI,
    1845, 912 ff., 1047 £, 1051, 1084 f., 1089 f., 1136, 1140, 1142 ft, 1228.
    On various treatises see the notes by Carolus Schenkl, CSEL, XXXII,
    #i and ii, 1896 and 1897.
    Only a relatively small part of the works of Ambrose have been pub­
    lished to date in the CSEL. There is no doubt that as the modern edi­
    tion of his works continues much more use of Philo will appear. See
    also nos. 1481, 1482, 1503, 1505, 1560.

  2. [Ambrosius]: Apologia David altera: see the edition of Carolus
    Schenkl, CSEL, XXXII, ii, 1897, 383, 11.
    Expositio evangelii secundum Lucan: edition of Carolus Schenkl,
    continued by Henricus Schenkl, CSEL, XXXII, iv, 1902, 300, 14.

  3. Sophronius: the reputed author of the Greek translation of Jerome's
    De viris inlustribus: the text was first published by Erasmus, says
    Wentzel, in 1516, from a manuscript which then disappeared (a state­
    ment we have been unable to verify). As a result many scholars
    thought the work a forgery of Erasmus himself, until the manuscript
    was rediscovered in 1895. From the manuscript a new edition was pub­
    lished: Oscar von Gebhardt, Hieronymus de viris inlustribus in griech-
    ischer Ubersetzung (Der sogenannte Sophronius), Leipzig, 1896
    (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Litera­
    tur, XIV, i, b). The importance of Sophronius' translation is that it
    was the basis for the list of works of Philo in both Photius and Suidas.
    See Georg Wentzel, Die griechische Ubersetzung der Viri inlustres des
    Hieronymus, Leipzig, 1895 (Texte und Untersuchungen zur Ge­
    schichte der altchristlichen Literatur, XIII, iii); for Philo see pages
    28 f., 47-49.*

  4. Mr. Goodhart has in his collection a very interesting Bible manuscript in which this passage
    appears. Written in an Italian hand about 1270, it was collated, according to a notation in the
    manuscript, in 1832 by Aloisi Ungarelli for the librarian of the Vatican, Cardinal Luigi Lam-
    bruschini. Ungarelli points out in his notes the differences from other early texts.

  5. The works of Philo in Gebhardt's text, page 14 f., are: Jieoi avy%vae(aq yXwoo&v \6yoq
    slg; jteot <pvcr£cog xal evorjuaxoc;; JCEQI cl>v xaxd vovv 2v%6\is$a xal djtOM.aQxvo6M.eda
    X6vog slg; JIEQI jtaidsvaECog Myog Elg; JTEQI XA.TIQOV 6 M.OV XCOV fteicov jiQayM-dxcov Elg; jteQl
    M-EQICTMOV tacov xal evavxicov \6yo<; sit;; JCEQI XQICOV fivvd^scov Xoyog slg; JIEQI XCOV
    tvahlayeictibv vQacpcov Jtaod xivcov X6yo$ slg; JTEQI avvfrnxcov X6yoi bvo; JIEQI piov
    cpdoaocpixov A.6vog sic;; JIEQI vivavxcov X6yo<; slg; JCEQI XOV xoug OVECQOUC; Jtaga {TEOV
    jidMJteaftai Xdyoi JIEVXE; £nximdxcov xal ^QM-rivEVM-dxcov xfjg 'E2=6Sov \6yoi JTEVXE; JIEQI
    xfjg axrivfjg xal benakdyov \6yoi xsaaaQsg; JIEQI ducrCcov; JTEQI vjtoaxs'aECOV r\xoi xaxa-
    QCOV; JCEQI JtQOvoiag; JIEQI 'Ioufiaicov; JTEQI SiavcoYfjg |3tou; JTEQI 'AA.E?dv8Q0u xal 6x1

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