The Politics of Philo Judaeus: Practice and Theory, with a General Bibliography of Philo

(Joyce) #1

See also nos. 842, 847, 903, 906, 1080, 1118, 1177.

1497.* Goodenough, Erwin R[amsdell], The Theology of Justin Martyr,
Jena, 1923, pp. 320.
Reviewed by Gustav Kruger, Theologische Blatter, [N.F.] II (1923),
255-256; fby H. A. van Bakel, Nieuw Theologisch Tijdschrift, XII
(1923), 212-214; \The Expository Times, XXXV (1923-1924), 20-21;
fby M.-D. Chenu, Revue des sciences philosophiques et thiologiques,
XIII (1924), 236-237; and fby H. Windisch, Theologische Literatur­
zeitung, XLIX (1924), 39-40.
1498.* Fuchs, Harald, Augustin und der anti\e Friedensgedan\e, Unter­
suchungen zum neunzehnten Buck der Civitas Dei, Berlin, 1926; see
33 n., 105 n., 124 f., 174 n., 180-182. (Werner Jaeger, Neue philologische
Untersuchungen, III.)
1499.* Gore, Charles, The Reconstruction of Belief: Belief in God. Belief in
Christ. The Holy Spirit and the Church, new edit., New York, 1926;
see Index,
1500.* Lebreton, Jules, Histoire du dogme de la Trinite des origines au
Concile de Nicee, Paris, see I, 8th edit., 1927, 178-251 and Indices; II,
3rd edit., 1928, Indices. (Bibliotheque de theologie historique.)
I50i.f Techert, Marguerite, "La notion de la Sagesse dans les trois premiers
siecles de notre ere," Archiv fiir Philosophie und Sociologie, Abt. I,
Archiv fiir Geschichte der Philosophie und Soziologie, XXXIX (N.F.
XXXII) (1929), 1-27.
1502* McGiffert, Arthur Cushman, A History of Christian Thought, New
York and London, 1932, 1933, 2 vols.; I, 22, 184, 195 £., 203-205; II, 55.

  1. Huhn, J., Ursprung und Wesen des Bosen und der Siinde nach der
    Lehre des Kirchenvaters Ambrosius, Paderborn, 1933; see Index. (A.
    Ehrhard and J. P. Kirsch, Forschungen zur christlichen Literatur- und
    Dogmengeschichte, XVII, 5.)
    1504. Means, Stewart, Faith: An Historical Study, with an introduction by
    Erwin R. Goodenough, New York, 1933; see 10, 32-37, 45, 56, 94 f.
    Dudden, Frederick] Homes, The Life and Times of St. Ambrose,
    Oxford, 1935, 2 vols.; see Index I in vol. II.
    1506.* Wulf, Maurice de, History of Mediaeval Philosophy, translated by
    Ernest C. Messenger, 3rd English edit., based on 6th French edit.,
    London, [1935], 77, 89, 304.

  2. Hitchcock, F. R. Montgomery, "Loots' Theory of Theophilus of An-
    tioch as a Source of Irenaeus," The Journal of Theological Studies,
    XXXVIII (1937), 130-139, 255-266.

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