Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

110 Chapter 4:Random Variables and Expectation

However, if we define the functionGby


then we see from the above that

=I(2−p 2 −q)

However, it can be shown that the only (monotone) functionsGthat satisfy the foregoing
functional relationship are those of the form


for some constantc. Therefore, we must have that


or, lettingq= 2 −p

I(q)=−clog 2 (q)

for some positive constantc. It is traditional to letc=1 and to say that the information
is measured in units ofbits(short for binary digits).
Consider now a random variableX, which must take on one of the valuesx 1 ,...,xn
with respective probabilitiesp 1 ,...,pn. As log 2 (pi) represents the information conveyed
by the message thatXis equal toxi, it follows that the expected amount of information
that will be conveyed when the value ofXis transmitted is given by



i= 1

pilog 2 (pi)

The quantity H(X) is known in information theory as theentropyof the random
variableX. ■

We can also define the expectation of a continuous random variable. Suppose thatXis
a continuous random variable with probability density functionf. Since, fordxsmall


it follows that a weighted average of all possible values ofX, with the weight given tox
equal to the probability thatXis nearx, is just the integral over allxofxf(x)dx. Hence,

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