Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

4.5Properties of the Expected Value 115

That is, the expected value of a constant is just its value. (Is this intuitive?) Also, if we take
b=0, then we obtain


or, in words, the expected value of a constant multiplied by a random variable is just the
constant times the expected value of the random variable. The expected value of a random
variableX,E[X], is also referred to as themeanor thefirst momentofX. The quantity
E[Xn],n≥1, is called thenth moment ofX. By Proposition 4.5.1, we note that





xnp(x)ifXis discrete


xnf(x)dx ifXis continuous

4.5.1 Expected Value of Sums of Random Variables

The two-dimensional version of Proposition 4.5.1 states that ifX andY are random
variables andgis a function of two variables, then




g(x,y)p(x,y) in the discrete case






g(x,y)f(x,y)dx dy in the continuous case

For example, ifg(X,Y)=X+Y, then, in the continuous case,






(x+y)f(x,y)dx dy






xf(x,y)dx dy+





yf(x,y)dx dy


A similar result can be shown in the discrete case and indeed, for any random variablesX

E[X+Y]=E[X]+E[Y] (4.5.1)

By repeatedly applying Equation 4.5.1 we can show that the expected value of the sum
of any number of random variables equals the sum of their individual expectations.

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