Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

174 Chapter 5: Special Random Variables

moment generating functions and distributions, we can conclude that

i= 1 Xiis normal
with mean

i= 1 μiand variance

i= 1 σi^2.

EXAMPLE 5.5d Data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration indicate
that the yearly precipitation in Los Angeles is a normal random variable with a mean of
12.08 inches and a standard deviation of 3.1 inches.

(a) Find the probability that the total precipitation during the next 2 years will exceed
25 inches.
(b)Find the probability that next year’s precipitation will exceed that of the
following year by more than 3 inches.
Assume that the precipitation totals for the next 2 years are independent.

SOLUTION LetX 1 andX 2 be the precipitation totals for the next 2 years.

(a) SinceX 1 +X 2 is normal with mean 24.16 and variance 2(3.1)^2 =19.22, it follows

P{X 1 +X 2 > 25 }=P

X 1 +X 2 −24.16



25 −24.16




(b)Since −X 2 is a normal random variable with mean −12.08 and variance
(−1)^2 (3.1)^2 , it follows thatX 1 −X 2 is normal with mean 0 and variance 19.22.

P{X 1 >X 2 + 3 }=P{X 1 −X 2 > 3 }


X 1 −X 2

  1. 22



  1. 22



Thus there is a 42.4 percent chance that the total precipitation in Los Angeles
during the next 2 years will exceed 25 inches, and there is a 24.69 percent chance
that next year’s precipitation will exceed that of the following year by more than
3 inches. ■

Forα∈(0, 1), letzαbe such that

P{Z>zα}= 1 − (zα)=α

That is, the probability that a standard normal random variable is greater thanzαis equal
toα(see Figure 5.9.)

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