Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

278 Chapter 7: Parameter Estimation

  1. Determine the maximum likelihood estimator ofθwhenX 1 ,...,Xnis a sample
    with density function

f(x)=^12 e−|x−θ|, −∞<x<∞

  1. LetX 1 ,...,Xnbe a sample from a normalμ,σ^2 population. Determine the max-
    imum likelihood estimator ofσ^2 whenμis known. What is the expected value of
    this estimator?

  2. The height of a radio tower is to be measured by measuring both the horizontal
    distanceXfrom the center of its base to a measuring instrument and the vertical
    angle of the measuring device (see the following figure). If five measurements of
    the distanceLgive (in feet) values

150.42, 150.45, 150.49, 150.52, 150.40

and four measurements of the angleθgive (in degrees) values

40.26, 40.27, 40.29, 40.26

estimate the height of the tower.




  1. Suppose thatX 1 ,...,Xnare normal with meanμ 1 ;Y 1 ,...,Ynare normal with
    meanμ 2 ; andW 1 ,...,Wnare normal with meanμ 1 +μ 2. Assuming that all 3n
    random variables are independent with a common variance, find the maximum
    likelihood estimators ofμ 1 andμ 2.

  2. River floods are often measured by their discharges (in units of feet cubed per
    second). The valuevis said to be the value of a 100-year flood if


whereDis the discharge of the largest flood in a randomly chosen year. The
following table gives the flood discharges of the largest floods of the Blackstone
River in Woonsocket, Rhode Island, in each of the years from 1929 to 1965.
Assuming that these discharges follow a lognormal distribution, estimate the value
of a 100-year flood.
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