Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 287

having varianceσi^2 ,i=1, 2, compute a 95 percent two-sided confidence interval
forσ 12 /σ 22 when the data are as follows:

Coded Measures of Hardness
Analyst 1 Analyst 2
.46 .82
.62 .61
.37 .89
.40 .51
.44 .33
.58 .48
.48 .23
.53 .25

47.A problem of interest in baseball is whether a sacrifice bunt is a good strategy
when there is a man on first base and no outs. Assuming that the bunter will
be out but will be successful in advancing the man on base, we could compare
the probability of scoring a run with a player on first base and no outs with
the probability of scoring a run with a player on second base and one out. The
following data resulted from a study of randomly chosen major league baseball
games played in 1959 and 1960.
(a) Give a 95 percent confidence interval estimate for the probability of scoring
at least one run when there is a man on first and no outs.
(b) Give a 95 percent confidence interval estimate for the probability of scoring
at least one run when there is a man on second and one out.

Number of Cases
Number in Which 0 Runs Total Number
Base Occupied of Outs Are Scored of Cases
First 0 1,044 1,728
Second 1 401 657

48.A random sample of 1,200 engineers included 48 Hispanic Americans, 80 African
Americans, and 204 females. Determine 90 percent confidence intervals for the
proportion of all engineers that are
(a) female;
(b) Hispanic Americans or African Americans.
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