Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 289

58.Determine 100(1−α) percent one-sided upper and lower confidence intervals for
θin Problem 57.
59.LetX 1 ,X 2 ,...,Xndenote a sample from a population whose mean valueθis
unknown. Use the results of Example 7.7b to argue that among all unbiased
estimators ofθof the form

i= 1 λiXi,

i= 1 λi=1, the one with minimal mean
square error hasλi≡1/n,i=1,...,n.
60.Consider two independent samples from normal populations having the same
varianceσ^2 , of respective sizesnandm. That is,X 1 ,...,XnandY 1 ,...,Ymare
independent samples from normal populations each having varianceσ^2. LetS^2 x
andSy^2 denote the respective sample variances. Thus bothSx^2 andSy^2 are unbiased
estimators ofσ^2. Show by using the results of Example 7.7b along with the fact
Var(χk^2 )= 2 k

whereχk^2 is chi-square withkdegrees of freedom, that the minimum mean square
estimator ofσ^2 of the formλSx^2 +(1−λ)Sy^2 is

Sp^2 =

(n−1)Sx^2 +(m−1)Sy^2
n+m− 2

This is called thepooled estimatorofσ^2.
61.Consider two estimators d 1 and d 2 of a parameter θ.IfE[d 1 ]=θ,
Var(d 1 ) =6 andE[d 2 ]=θ+2, Var(d 2 ) = 2, which estimator should be
62.Suppose that the number of accidents occurring daily in a certain plant has a
Poisson distribution with an unknown meanλ. Based on previous experience
in similar industrial plants, suppose that a statistician’s initial feelings about the
possible value ofλcan be expressed by an exponential distribution with parameter

  1. That is, the prior density is


Determine the Bayes estimate ofλif there are a total of 83 accidents over the next
10 days. What is the maximum likelihood estimate?
63.The functional lifetimes in hours of computer chips produced by a certain
semiconductor firm are exponentially distributed with mean 1/λ. Suppose that
the prior distribution onλis the gamma distribution with density function



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