Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

306 Chapter 8:Hypothesis Testing

Now whenσ^2 is no longer known, it seems reasonable to estimate it by

S^2 =

i= 1


n− 1

and then to rejectH 0 when


X−μ 0



is large.
To determine how large a value of the statistic


n(X−μ 0 )


to require for rejection, in order that the resulting test have significance levelα, we must
determine the probability distribution of this statistic whenH 0 is true. However, as shown
in Section 6.5, the statisticT, defined by


n(X−μ 0 )

has, whenμ=μ 0 ,at-distribution withn−1 degrees of freedom. Hence,

Pμ 0

−tα/2,n− 1 ≤

n(X−μ 0 )

≤tα/2,n− 1

= 1 −α (8.3.11)

wheretα/2,n− 1 is the 100α/2 upper percentile value of thet-distribution withn−1 degrees
of freedom. (That is,P{Tn− 1 ≥tα/2,n− 1 }=P{Tn− 1 ≤−tα/2,n− 1 }=α/2 whenTn− 1
has at-distribution withn−1 degrees of freedom.) From Equation 8.3.11 we see that the
appropriate significance levelαtest of

H 0 :μ=μ 0 versus H 1 :μ=μ 0

is, whenσ^2 is unknown, to

accept H 0 if



n(X−μ 0 )


∣∣≤tα/2,n− 1

reject H 0 if


n(X−μ 0 )


>tα/2,n− 1

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