Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

8.6Hypothesis Tests in Bernoulli Populations 323

Thus, a significance levelαtest ofH 0 againstH 1 is to

accept H 0 if F 1 −α/2,n−1,m− 1 <Sx^2 /Sy^2 <Fα/2,n−1,m− 1
reject H 0 otherwise
The preceding test can be effected by first determining the value of the test statistic
Sx^2 /Sy^2 , say its value isv, and then computingP{Fn−1,m− 1 ≤v}whereFn−1,m− 1 is an
F-random variable with parametersn−1,m−1. If this probability is either less than
α/2 (which occurs whenSx^2 is significantly less thanSy^2 ) or greater than 1−α/2 (which

occurs whenSx^2 is significantly greater thanSy^2 ), then the hypothesis is rejected. In other
words, thep-value of the test data is

p-value=2 min(P{Fn−1,m− 1 <v},1−P{Fn−1,m− 1 <v})

The test now calls for rejection whenever the significance levelαis at least as large as the

EXAMPLE 8.5b There are two different choices of a catalyst to stimulate a certain chemical
process. To test whether the variance of the yield is the same no matter which catalyst is
used, a sample of 10 batches is produced using the first catalyst, and 12 using the second.
If the resulting data isS 12 =.14 andS 22 =.28, can we reject, at the 5 percent level, the
hypothesis of equal variance?

SOLUTION Program 5.8.3, which computes theFcumulative distribution function, yields

p-value=2 min{.1539, .8461}

and so the hypothesis of equal variance cannot be rejected. ■

8.6Hypothesis Tests in Bernoulli Populations

The binomial distribution is frequently encountered in engineering problems. For
a typical example, consider a production process that manufactures items that can be
classified in one of two ways — either as acceptable or as defective. An assumption often
made is that each item produced will, independently, be defective with probabilityp; and
so the number of defects in a sample ofnitems will thus have a binomial distribution with
parameters (n,p). We will now consider a test of

H 0 :p≤p 0 versus H 1 :p>p 0

wherep 0 is some specified value.

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