Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

8.7Tests Concerning the Mean of a Poisson Distribution 333

To determine a test, note that each error can be classified as being of one of 4 types: it
is type 1 if it is found by both proofreaders; it is type 2 if found by A but not by B; it is
type 3 if found by B but not by A; and it is type 4 if found by neither. Thus, under our
independence assumptions, it follows that each error will independently be typeiwith
probabilitypi, where

p 1 =PAPB, p 2 =PA(1−PB), p 3 =(1−PA)PB, p 4 =(1−PA)(1−PB)

Now, if we do our analysis under the assumption thatN, the total number of errors in the
manuscript, is a random variable that is Poisson distributed with some unknown meanλ,
then it follows from the results of Section 5.2 that the numbers of errors of types 1, 2, 3,
4 are independent Poisson random variables with respective meansλp 1 ,λp 2 ,λp 3 ,λp 4.
Now, because 1 −xx=1/x^1 − 1 is an increasing function ofxin the region 0≤x≤1,


1 −PA


1 −PB


In other words,PA>PBif and only ifp 2 >p 3. As a result, it suffices to use the data to

H 0 :p 2 ≤p 3 versus H 1 :p 2 >p 3

Therefore, withN 2 denoting the number of errors of type 2 (that is, the number of errors
found by A but not by B), andN 3 the number of errors of type 3 (that is, the number
found by B but not by A), it follows that we need to test

H 0 :E[N 2 ]≤E[N 3 ] versus H 1 :E[N 2 ]>E[N 3 ] (8.7.2)

whereN 2 andN 3 are independent Poisson random variables. Now, by Proposition 8.7.1,
the conditional distribution ofN 2 givenN 2 +N 3 is binomial (n,p) wheren=N 2 +N 3
andp=(E[N 2 ])/(E[N 2 ]+E[N 3 ]). Because Equation 8.7.2 is equivalent to

H 0 :p≤1/2 versus H 1 :p>1/2

it follows that thep-value that results whenN 2 =n 2 ,N 3 =n 3 is

p-value=P{Bin(n 2 +n 3 , .5)≥n 2 }

For the data given,n 2 =18,n 3 =8, yielding that

p-value=P{Bin(26, .5)≥ 18 }=.0378

Consequently, at the 5 percent level of significance, the null hypothesis is rejected leading
to the conclusion that A is the superior proofreader. ■

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