Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists

(Sean Pound) #1

Problems 335

is 5 psi. If a sample of 8 pieces of fiber yielded breakage at the following pressures,

210 198
195 202
197.4 196
199 195.5

would you conclude, at the 5 percent level of significance, that the fiber is
unacceptable? What about at the 10 percent level of significance?

  1. It is known that the average height of a man residing in the United States is 5 feet
    10 inches and the standard deviation is 3 inches. To test the hypothesis that men
    in your city are “average,” a sample of 20 men have been chosen. The heights of
    the men in the sample follow:

Man Height in Inches Man
1 72 70.4 11
2 68.1 76 12
3 69.2 72.5 13
4 72.8 74 14
5 71.2 71.8 15
6 72.2 69.6 16
7 70.8 75.6 17
8 74 70.6 18
9 66 76.2 19
10 70.3 77 20

What do you conclude? Explain what assumptions you are making.

  1. Suppose in Problem 4 that we wished to design a test so that if the pH were really
    equal to 8.20, then this conclusion will be reached with probability equal to .95.
    On the other hand, if the pH differs from 8.20 by .03 (in either direction), we
    want the probability of picking up such a difference to exceed .95.
    (a) What test procedure should be used?
    (b) What is the required sample size?
    (c) Ifx=8.31, what is your conclusion?
    (d) If the actual pH is 8.32, what is the probability of concluding that the pH is
    not 8.20, using the foregoing procedure?

  2. Verify that the approximation in Equation 8.3.7 remains valid even when
    μ 1 <μ 0.

  3. A British pharmaceutical company, Glaxo Holdings, has recently developed a new
    drug for migraine headaches. Among the claims Glaxo made for its drug, called

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